FESI-BOND® PAINT and BLAST Stabilizers consist of lead stabilizing paint, sprays, and blast media.

FESI-BOND® BLAST are a group of stabilizers designed to convert Pb to a non-hazardous character in the paint-media mix upon media blasting.

FESI-BOND® PAINTS are a group of latex-based paints designed to convert Pb-bearing materials such as leaded paint to a non-hazardous waste character upon contact.

The FESI-BOND® PAINT Stabilization Process is simple and unregulated. FESI-BOND® PAINT contains patented chemicals, which convert lead bearing material on a molecular level to a non-hazardous characteristic as tested under TCLP. FESI-BOND® PAINT is applied prior to management of materials as a solid waste under RCRA regulations, and thus prior to TCLP testing requirements.

The standard FESI-BOND® PAINT stabilization method involves a single-pass roller or spray application of FESI-BOND® PAINT onto the lead bearing material surface. The Pb TCLP stabilization is immediate upon surface contact, thus requires no chemical curing or set-up time beyond standard latex drying time.

FESI-BOND® PAINT stabilized materials can be managed as non-hazardous during and after demolition. The handling and disposal costs savings can exceed $200.00 per US ton with use of this FESI-BOND® technology.

The FESI-BOND® BLAST Stabilization Process is also simple and unregulated. FESI-BOND® BLAST Media contains patented chemicals, which convert lead bearing material on a molecular level to a non-hazardous characteristic as tested under TCLP. FESI-BOND® BLAST media is applied prior to management of materials as solid waste under RCRA regulations, and thus prior to TCLP testing requirements.

Download FESI-BOND BLAST Data Sheet Here Download FESI-BOND BLAST Test Results Here

FESI holds the exclusive US patent and rights to the stabilization of lead bearing materials prior to their generation as a waste material, including materials such as lead painted wood, concrete, steel, etc. The FESI US patents 5,860,908, 5,846,178, 5,722,928, 5,536,899, and numerous patents-pending provide technology rights protection to contractors and vendors using FESI-BOND® PAINT, and FESI-BOND® BLAST.


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Forrester Environmental Services, Inc.
78 Tracy Way
Meredith, NH 03253

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