FESI-BOND® Range Soils technologies offer two methods for treatment of Pb-contaminated soils found at shooting ranges throughout the country. These patented technologies are designed to be safe, simple, and cost-effective.

The first method is reactive and converts existing Pb-contaminated top soils and Pb projectiles on-site and in-situ to insoluble minerals, thereby allowing the range owner to dispose stabilized soils as non-hazardous. RCRA fees and expensive Subtitle C disposal are avoided.

The second method is proactive, simple and unregulated and provides the range owner with the ability to never generate a waste to begin with. This seeding technology contains patented chemicals that convert Pb projectiles on contact to insoluble minerals on a molecular level to a non-hazardous characteristic as tested under TCLP thus protecting the environment from Pb leaching. FESI-BOND® is applied prior to management of materials as a solid waste under RCRA regulations, and thus prior to TCLP testing requirements.

A recent example of this technology was an ex-situ roadway cut of 6,000 tons of clay shard contaminated with Pb/Cu from shotgun shot stabilized with FESI-BOND® Range Soils technology. This project was successfully completed on-time and on-budget.

FESI holds exclusive US and international patents to treatment of range soils. FESI-BOND® technologies are engineered by a licensed Professional Environmental Engineer with 35+ years industrial waste stabilization experience. These technologies provide process methods and chemicals for molecular level conversion of soluble heavy metals to insoluble non-hazardous minerals. FESI-BOND® minerals are designed to be ecologically safe, thermodynamically stable, non-toxic, non-hazardous and compatible with berm equipment and site environment. FESI-BOND® systems are also designed to be OSHA compliant, safe, simple, inexpensive, and user friendly.

Prior to providing a firm price per ton of treated material/waste, FESI LABS will run a treatability to determine the correct dose and application method. Once the correct chemistry is determined, FESI works with the range owner or remedial contractor to determine the best application support.


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Contact FESI

Voice: 603.380.2522

Forrester Environmental Services, Inc.
78 Tracy Way
Meredith, NH 03253

©2004 Forrester Environmental Services., All rights reserved under both
U.S. and international law.