FESI offers its patented technology directly to the client or to remedial
contractors. FESI can provide turnkey remedial services or
simply the patented chemistry with operations guidelines.
FESI-BOND® technologies are engineered by a licensed
Professional Environmental Engineer with 35+ years
industrial waste stabilization experience. These
technologies provide process methods and chemicals for
molecular level conversion of soluble heavy metals to
insoluble non-hazardous minerals.
FESI-BOND® minerals are designed to be ecologically safe,
thermodynamically stable, non-toxic, non-hazardous and
compatible with the site environment. FESI-BOND® systems
are also designed to be OSHA compliant, safe, simple,
inexpensive, and user friendly.
Examples of recent FESI remedial projects include:
- Lead paint stabilization pre-demolition
- Pb contaminated soil and debris
- Battery breaking site soils
- Foundry sands and ashes
- Smelter slag and ash
- Army incinerator deposition soil
- Industrial waste piles
- Mining Operations
Prior to providing a firm price per ton of treated
material/waste, FESI LABS will run a treatability to
determine the correct dose and application method.
Once the correct chemistry is determined, FESI works
with the client or remedial contractor to determine
the best application support.